Another view from my room
A pretty good view, and lovely in the sunshine.
I saw the surgeon first thing who said that the previous joint had come apart, probably after I dislocated in February, which was the reason I dislocated so easily after that. So I felt better in that it wasn't all my fault - and things will hopefully go better after this operation!
I saw the physiotherapist again and went up and down stairs, so was cleared to go home, also the occupational therapist who went through getting dressed. I didn't actually get home until late evening as the ward was very short of nurses, but I made it in the end. Another of the women in my room went home today, and before I left, two more women were brought from recovery to take our places - I know empty beds are a rarity these days.
When I got home, Lexi and Alfie were pretty disgruntled at getting their tea so late, so I hope they will forgive me!
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