Flying high......

Perfect blue skies for capturing Buzzards circling over the garden this lunchtime.... hope i wasn't in their sights as a snack!

And it's been a good day today - some early morning gardening, followed by a wander with mum to the local hall where the Cats Protection League had a plant/book sale...... of course I didn't leave empty handed!! 3 new plants, and 3 new books! All for charity though so no guilt felt!

And it's also double points at Waterstones this weekend, so a perfect time to use up some gift cards so there'll be another 4 new books on their way to me soon after a spend up online!

And an afternoon of reading in the sunshine and then shade when it all got too much for me and my freckly skin!!  Now to have a little book declutter so I'll have some room for my new purchases!!  

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