A Horsey Day

It has rained a lot today, mostly this morning. It came down so hard at one point, that it had a group of us stuck in a store. Just nasty.

I found a new herd of horses. They sauntered up, perhaps looking for a handout that I didn't have. And...how do you talk to a horse? I talk to a dog like this..."How ya doin...Buddy Boy? How are you pooch?"

I felt a little foolish talking to the horse. My..."How ya doin Big Fella?" just came off as ignorant, and I'm not sure why.

I came real close to making a horse collage, but instead chose to put 8 other horse pictures on my FLICKR PAGE. "Neigh...neigh...neigh." (Translation...if you like the giant beasts...have a look.)

Such expressive eyes.

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