
By Dibsie

Book of the moment

Started reading this little book of sunshine and happiness! I would say if you like your gothic moody atmosphere and like the book Perfume, this may be your cup of tea.

I'm about a quarter of the way through, at first I really wasn't sure, I wasn't getting into it and I found one of the characters very disturbing. Funny thing is it wasn't the devious, sadistic Minguillo but Sor Loreta the nun! But I have it on good authority from 2 separate people who I really value the opinions off when it comes to book recommendations, that this book picks up and gets very good.

If you've read it, let me know your thoughts. I find it interesting g that they've used a quote from Joanne Harris on the front, she's the Chocolat author right? Trying to work out why they would put her quote on the front, wonder where the similarity in these stories are...

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