Barbie pink.

I think this is my favourite colour, but no, I love  all colours, but not beige or grey.  J went out on his motorbike this morning ( I did approve) and I did nothing much, although I did miss going to the gym. My steri strips were literally   hanging off, or on, and they were in my line of vision. I bathed them in warm water, but to no avail. When J came home, I tried again, and one came off, so I kept bathing them, and finally they came off. I feel so much better, and  the wound doesn't look too bad, although it's still a bit sore. We watched the Tina Turner tribute last night, she was definitely a one off. What a performer. I didn't know she taught Mick Jagger how to dance, but now I can see where he got those moves from.

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