Maiden Voyage

FINALLY I was able to get my folding kayak out for the trial run. I can't tell you how easy it was to put it in the back seat along with the paddle and head to Smith Cove. I got there about 8:00 am. I really didn't want anyone to be around as I was trying this out the first time for real.
There was one older fella that came down on his bike and he thought it was pretty cool. I chatted with him for a few minutes. All in all I was on the water in 15 minutes. It was so easy to carry it one handed down to the water.
The boat handled well. It's very light so I couldn't go very fast and I wanted to be out when the weather was calm. It's not made for choppy water. My timing was great. It was so lovely to be out on the water. It was cool and so beautiful out. I could hear the seals making a ruckus. Next time I will bring some binoculars.
Now that I've got my first run jitters out of the way I feel very confidant in going down to the Bagaduce landing and exploring there.

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