A bright spot on a rainy day.

You might be saying, "Huh? Well, where is the bright color?... Where are the rain drops?..." And that would be justified. But the best laid plans...

It's been raining all day but I had in mind a blip of one our new colorful flowers. Rain drops can really up the beauty factor on a flower, so the rain seemed like a bonus. But the rain just never let up enough to get out in the yard for even a quick photo shoot. Nothing else I attempted seemed to be turning out, then I remembered the flat of pansies left in the garage. The only flowers that have yet to be planted. I can live with dry and colorful... Sounded like the solution, until I got them up on the computer and, well, they left me wanting more. I played around for a bit and stumbled on to mono. I haven't gone with B&W in a while, and for me, it somehow created interest where the color had not.

So, here is exactly the opposite of what I had aimed for. Sometimes you just have to let go of the plan.

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