Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2023 Saturday — Reflecting

-- Serious Reflection happening
-- Married 58 Years on May 29
-- This is Anniversary Weekend

Fifty-eight years ago today (Thursday, May 27, 1965) I dropped out of high school. Each of my 10th grade teachers had to sign my official "dropout" form. I went from classroom to classroom to get signatures.

One instructor showed emotion, just one, my English teacher. Foreshadowing? Years later (see the photo) I returned to Corona Senior High to tell him that I was a fulltime professor teaching English at the local community college.

My 10th grade memory of his emotion has never erased. The tapestry of my life has many threads. I am so glad God is the Master Weaver of my life. Do you know Him?

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol
and Chloe & Mitzi too!

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