Emu visitors

One little voice cried out “Pelicans!” “No they are emus”. He then said “eee moo, eee moo”. He looked about 2 and a half years old. As you can see emus are big birds and found all over Australia but they don’t usually come into caravan parks. 

We had a very lazy day. It rained on and off all day so we weren’t inclined to go far without the car. We did walk across to the service station/cafe for morning tea. We both are reading new books and just as I was about to start to cook tea the park staff arrived to invite us to a sausage sizzle (and fundraiser for emergency services). So that was easy. 

Yesterday the App I use for planning and recording our trips locked me out and said I wasn’t an authorised user. I found this most distressing as I have spent weeks looking at potential routes and also have the history of all our trips away for the last 8-9 years. Both of us tried multiple emails and passwords and on different devices with no luck. Today I sent a message to try and find out what I could do and they sent instructions for all the things we had tried yesterday. Finally the new email and old password seemed to work. The server must have been having issues and now seems to be back to normal. Phew. 

We also ( Bob found) the missing bike charger. It had fallen down behind all his paperwork in a top cupboard. I did not put it there. We had our daughter search our home to see if she could send it on, then organised for a new charger to be sent onto Walking Wombat’s place where we are visiting in a few weeks. Good day. The other problem is the satellite dish blew over in the wind and hasn’t worked for a few days, hopefully it will decide to come good. What next? 

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