Wildlife Magnet

In the morning we went to Foulshaw Moss, our first major outdoors wheelchair expedition. We had an interesting start - 10 foot onto the board walk I was startled to see a large adder sliding by the side of the wheelchair, almost under J’s left foot, before it slithered over the edge into the bracken. Fantastic (we both love seeing snakes) ! Then, damselflies kept landing on J - on her head and on her trousers. Far too close for me to use my camera, so this is a phone shot. We saw white faced darters for the first time, and of course the ospreys who now have three little chicks to tend.

In the afternoon we had a walk and wheel around Leighton Moss, which was just as good.

I have walked over 14,500 steps pushing the wheelchair. It’s a good fitness regime! And we both commented how friendly and helpful everyone has been today.

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