
By Mindseye

A new chapter

Sorry I’ve been absent, holiday was great, hence my lack of blips during the week.
Thought I’d do a collage so you get a feel for the week, sun, clouds, swimming, lovely food & drinks, diets next lol, walked our socks off, day trip to Santa Cruz, arrived back early hours 27/5, 0330 at mine, a quick few hours then partial unpack, repack, on the road to Lincoln for gig Saturday, Tyre blow out in our way home, AA Recovery over a bank hol weekend was good but had to wait 2.5hrs, got us home just after 3, fell into bed then typically C had an afternoon gig 28/5, so up & out for 11, gig gear had to go in my car, wouldn’t all fit, but he managed, there for 1, he did 3 40 minute sets, we got away just before 6, drove back from Boston, unloaded, then went out for a quick lovely Italian, too tired to cook, came back n both fell asleep downstairs, woke up & fell into bed at midnight…… woke at 0939 this morning, still both shattered, a lazy day today 29/5 before I drive back home tomorrow …… it’s all go ;-)

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