
By SweetArt

A German garden

Well I have arrived safely and had an amazing flight. Night flights are usually tedious for me but I managed to get a few hours of sleep and felt good when I arrived this morning ... to glorious sunshine and warmth, really unbelievable. I soaked it all up as my cousin rolled the roof top back and the sun shone on us with all it's warmth and goodness.

It so good to be here again and see all the family and meet new members like my gorgeous new nephew. Oh he is just too adorable.

I've taken a lot of pictures already but wanted to blip this one as it was just really lovely in my cousin's garden today where her fiancée has planted this lovely herb box and lilac tree. The St Mary statue is from the Bludenz monastery in Austria where Thomas goes with some of his patients for seminars.

Lovely welcome in Stuttgart here and weather has been super. I'm assured that it is not going to last, boo hiss :(

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