One week ago, we were driving back from Westonbirt after getting a phone call, so today I wanted / needed to go out and not know what the time was until after 2pm.
We decided to walk along the river, to see how much progress had been made on the cycle path. It was a lovely walk, right up until the moment we discovered that the footpath had been closed. Apparently, there is (or had been) a horse grazing in the field that had bitten half a dozen walkers. There was an alternative footpath, but that went through a field with cattle, including calves, so we weren't going to go that way!
So we did a bit of a backtrack and went for Plan B. We took an entirely different route, past farm fields and down to Vallis Vale, a local beauty spot. We walked alongside the stream, past charcoal kilns and interesting geology until we reached the village of Mells (of Little Jack Horner fame).
Sadly, being a bank holiday, the cafe at the village shop had closed by the time we got there, so we were obliged to go to the pub instead, where I had a delicious pot of tea and Mr W had a pint of cider.
Then it was time to turn round and walk home. Almost 11 miles walked and my mind is feeling much refreshed.

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