U.S.A. Memorial Day

The Memorial Day, in the U.S.A, is held on the last Monday of May each year.
The Stars and Stripes are flown at half mast, as a mark of respect to those military personnel that have been lost. The flag is then raised to full mast at noon. 
I think this can almost relate to our, UK, Armed Forces Day although this is more a celebration, and recognition, of our armed forces. Remembrance Sunday is the day where we commemorate, and remember, our dead.
The United States and UK have always been allies, well ok, not always but that is distant history! I think it is fitting to display their flag alongside ours on this day.
Note to self - Must get a larger stars and stripes! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Talking of remembrance, even though it's May, I've added an extra of the poppies along the centre of Bruton Way, just passing the railway station in Gloucester.

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