A familiar back
The emergency fund has been dipped into again today.
Despite appearances of good health on this morning’s walk on the Cape, Bean has been at the vet this evening. She’s been a bit off colour for a couple of days, so I’ve been keeping an eye on her. Then this afternoon she spent an hour frantically eating grass. I didn’t hang around and off to the vet we went. The symptoms were the same as when she had acute pancreatitis a few weeks ago.
After a thorough examination and blood tests the news is that she doesn’t have pancreatitis. My relief was enormous.
She does however have a mild gastro bug. So she’s on rice and chicken for a day or three. And the lovely vet gave her an anti-emetic to tide her over until tomorrow afternoon.
We had a long discussion about Bean’s diet.
I feed her raw food plus a few small biscuits as treats. The vet’s recommendation is that I change to a commercial low fat gastrointestinal food because of her (new) history of pancreatitis. It is the best way to be sure she’s getting food which won’t make her ill again.
So my homework tomorrow is to “do the math”: to add up the cost of her current food and compare it with that of the commercial alternative.
I suspect my desire to ensure my beautiful girl doesn’t get pancreatitis again will need to be factored into the maths too. Somehow.
It’s a quiet evening. Bean is a bit subdued and very sleepy. I’m sure she’ll be back to full Beaniness tomorrow.
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