Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Clematis on the mind...

...and on the trellis...

Not sure what this variety is, but it replaced a lovely mature climbing rose that died during the winter. 
One of the pink Montana varieties didn't make it through the spring, so Roy took the old trellis down at the same time as uprooting it. 
He has the makings of a new trellis for that space, and we bought a couple of replacement clematis at the garden centre where we stopped for breakfast on the way home on Sunday. 
They are Jackmanni - which I was looking for when I bought the one in the blip - and a white Montana.

Chilly in the garden today - and even slightly damp! 

Nearly forgot to mention it - I'm your host for Silly Saturday in June - i.e. this Saturday, June 3rd! Do find something funny, hilarious, quirky or just plain odd that would have made Admirer chuckle ;)
Tags are SilSJun2023, or SilS348

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