
I didn’t sleep well last night, and nor did Anna. We were both feeling a bit emotional. We headed off to the funeral director this morning and made an appointment for this afternoon. Luckily the others could make it.

We went home to do more shredding.

GravyC and Noo arrived at lunchtime - hooray!

We had our appointment with the funeral director - we are total amateurs and he is new to the job; we’ll see how we go. He does have very experienced colleagues to call upon.

We 3 are now in Hartlepool - this was to be our half term holiday. I’m sure we will do some holiday stuff, but I have to register mam’s death tomorrow.

The extra is a photo of me, my nephew Jake, and my youngest sister Jo. This was in the days when Anna liked to experiment with my hair. Although I look like a teenage boy (ZQ perhaps) I was about 29/30 in this photograph.

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