Walk in the woods

Phin and I enjoyed a lovely walk on the woods at Newbattle around lunchtime where I blipped this rather fabulous tree trunk.

Home to tidy and hoover the house before making a pasta bake with meatballs and veg for dinner with my friend Susan.

After dinner she and I headed down to our friend Jenny’s in Lauder for the night. We had an early start planned to head to Kelso races Ladies day in the morning so going down in the evening made sense.

Around 9.30 Mr PHL called with the news that our daughter (who was attending Radio 1’s Bug weekend in Dundee) had been in the phone and sounded as if she was having a panic attack. He’d convinced her that she should leave with her friends (who were very concerned about her and happy to leave together) and he would pick her up at the station. I suspected that alcohol, lack of food, sunshine and crowds had all played their part but at least they made the sensible decision to come away together.

As I’m backblipping this on Tuesday the good news is that they made it back to Edinburgh ok just after 12.30 after a short delay due to someone trespassing on the line. She was much recovered by the morning and we still have no idea what caused her reaction.

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