If you go down to the woods today

Today was quite exciting.

About two months ago I had a call from a ‘tax inspector’. He told me one of my subsidiaries was due for a VAT compliance inspection.

Yay. I said

He sent me emails and told me what he needed.

I found it weird that everything was done over email and phone. Most of my HMRC correspondence is done via written, snail. Mail,

I called HMRC and checked it out. The man on the phone told me he didn’t exist. He was asking for things he should already have.

Cool. I told the directors they told me to
Leave it.

He emailed me again said so long as I have the stuff printed out for him. That was good.

I called HMRC again and this time I was told he was a real person and I should comply.

And so we waited this morning to see if he and his disabled (for he told me his colleague may be in a wheelchair ) colleague turned up.

We blocked the disabled space; we emptied the disabled toilet of cleaning materials and copying paper .

We moved the sofa and the reception table away from the disabled toilet Door and lift.

And at 955 Tax Inspector and his friend walked Round the corner having walked the mile from the train station

I was interviewed for an hour and a half; and then asked to produce evidence.

I told them I had not provided lunch for them because I didn’t want them to think I was unduly influencing them. I did make them coffee

They left at 2:40! Finished! All done! No problems.

I am Good at VAT. It’s official

Boy. Is a fairy

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