When Briar Ruled The Earth!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

If you've been paying attention, you may have noticed lack of Briar at Corrie's party on Saturday.

She was ill and couldn't make it. Which meant you were denied the sight of Briar as an inflatable dinosaur, disco-dancing to "YMCA".

Nevertheless I took the costume into the office today so she could use it for future occasions. She was very excited. 

I then got the somewhat worrying meeting invitation, "Dinosaur Time" for 1.30pm that afternoon. 

When I got to my desk I found Briar inflating herself and climbing into the costume. In the middle of the office. 

Fortunately, this is Kāinga Ora and she received positive encouragement from members of staff all around her. Including OtherSimon the manager. He had an inflatable suit of his own, he told us. And then he showed us a video of him terrifying children by pretending to eat them. 

Briar then stomped her way around the office, wreaking havoc and stalking colleagues. 

Wellll.... she would have if she wasn't so short. Her little legs didn't quite fit and so the poor T. Rex found herself stalking around the office on her knees, making quite a noise. 

fwip-fwip-fwip-fwip... "Look! There's Aarzoo!" said Briarsaurous and took off after her. 


Aarzoo was clearly impressed. 

Briarsaurous did indeed please everyone. She did a lap of the entire floor and did a spot of disco-dancing to "YMCA". The most common question we encountered was, "But... but... WHY?"

To which Briar replied, "Because INFLATABLE DINOSAUR."

Someone asked if anyone could identify the person inside Briarsaurous. And someone else said, "Either Symon or Briar."

This crowd clearly knows me too well. 

In the end, Briar was both deflated and elated at the same time. She LOVED being Briarsaurous. She tucked the costume away in her locker, where it will sit, hibernating. 

Until it is once again time for BRIAR TO WALK THE EARTH.


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