Tuesday: Flame Tree

This is the view from our upstairs balcony.  I had intended to show you how dark the sky was but it didn’t really come out the way it looked.  The flame tree is pretty nice though.  We’re having rain more frequently so I think rainy season is on the way.  Apparently it doesn’t rain all day every day, it’s more concentrated, with more frequent storms.  We had one the other night with some impressive thunder and lightning.  

Tonight’s fact-check from ‘The Diplomat’ is as follows:

- It would be impossible for a diplomat to walk into the Foreign Office unescorted and burst in on the Foreign Secretary’s office for a spontaneous meeting;
- If (and it’s a huge if) that did happen, the meeting would never be with the just the two of them.  There were would be numerous people in attendance, including those frantically taking notes in the corner
- And everybody knows that you never walk towards a helicopter to embark when the rotors are turning.  Admittedly, thought, departing helicopter shots are less dramatic when it’s just sitting there quietly.  

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