Arrested Development

Around the end of the eighties, 'dance music' became A Thing. There was a running joke in the music oress about bands coming forward claiming there had "always been a dance element to our music".

Some bands, such as Pop Will Eat Itself made a full-on transition across to be dance bands, and others, like U2, very successfully (if temporarily) incorporated dance into their music.

There's a lot of dance music from the nineties that I do love now, but at the time I took myself off into a different musical world, embracing artists that had never appealed to me before, Nick Cave being the obvious, but also bands like The Fall and The Wedding Present.

The Minx, on the hand, loved dance music and hip hop in particular.

Quite recently, and to her absolute delight, she found out that Arrested Devlopment were playing The Blues Kitchen, this evening. And so we went along. 

And they were fantastic.

Despite not knowing any of their songs - even the ones that "everyone knows" - I had an absolute blast. And the place was packed with people enjoying themselves. (This was literally the best photo I could get.)

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