Big Fish

So we've made it down to the south of France, staying near Olonzac by the Canal du Midi, with the heavy task of managing a couple of gites for a few weeks. John picked us up from Beziers and will be going back to Britain at the weekend, where Wendy is recuperating from a bit of unpleasantness.

After dinner we took a brief walk along the canal, and saw these lads fishing. One was photographing a decent sized carp the other had caught, and I called "monsieur" and waved my camera at him. Seems that was probably right then, and sums up my abilities in French.

The cool weather seems to have followed us from Bristol, but of course all is relative and even now at ten o'clock French time it's 19ºC. Hotter tomorrow, apparently. I was quite pleased with the quality of this shot, which was almost impossibly black prior to pushing it through Luminar Neo and Topaz Photo on the Air.

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