Sweets for my sweet.................

I'm not in stiches any more, thank goodness. I arrived at  Dermatology at 9.45 to have my stitches removed, and I was back in the car by 10' o clock. J was so surprised to see me back so soon. A nurse, called Hannah removed my stitches, and  she was so gentle I almost, didn't feel a thing. I asked her about the surgeon who did my procedure last week, and she said she had worked with him yesterday.  Apparently he only does facial work, and I am so pleased he did such a neat job. Thank you NHS, you did such an amazing job.
It was time for a treat so we went to Parc Slip nature reserve. J had a breakfast roll, and I had a Biscotti cup cake, which was yummy. Back home and J carried on painting the back fence. 

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