
By Houseonahill6

Friends from Yorkshire

Our friends from Yorkshire came to visit us today. They had stated in Edinburgh yesterday and made the rest of the journey to us arriving at 1.15pm. I had made an afternoon tea for us all , including oat cakes, Scottish salmon, Tunnocks tea cakes, shortbread and whiskey cake , washed down with Yorkshire Tea .
The day could not have been nicer. The sea was flat calm and so clear and the sun was shining so a great way to show off the Black Isle.
We drove up to Cromarty for a leisurely wander. Lisa was fascinated by the gorse and Andy was amazed how big the oil rigs are , the two that are still here are quite small compared to others we’ve had. We went to the Pottery shop, Lisa treated us to a small boat and she bought a little owl to remember her visit. I bought Catherines’ birthday present.
We spotted a porpoise and a weasel which ran out in front of us on the way.
On to Chanonry point and we managed to park. Pleased that the dolphins made an appearance.
Enjoyed a tasty meal at The Allangrange. I had half a roast chicken with roasted veg and peppercorn sauce , abit too much meat so I gave some to Mike but it was delicious.
We then drove down the Beauly shore road ( saw an owl) and said our goodbyes near the bridge. A super sunset to end the day. They have the long journey back tomorrow.

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