Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Todays' chore was to replant tomato plants from small pots to really large ones. I almost stayed at home because my body was protesting. Then I wrote my boss an email, explaining how I was feeling, so she could plan my chore after that. 
It was a good feeling to get to work anyway and I had a brief  chatt with my boss and then I got my instructions. I fetched the sack of eco soil and 50 kg felt a little bit heavier that usual, but at least I could carry it across the floor myself. Then down the stairs to the cellar to collect pots. I had to go downstairs again to change the size, because there weren't enough pots in the size I should replant in, so I needed to go up half a size. Then I started replant and of course I ran out of soil and had to collect another sack of 50 kg. A bit more difficult to carry that one across the flor and put it on the table, but I managed to get it there. I also helped a customer asking for a special veggie plant. Fortunately I'd re-arranged veggies plants on a table and remembered that we had those. He wanted all 14 of them, so I helped him carry them to the cashier and handed him over to the co-worker handling payments. Then I could go back to my work again. Next chore was to replant Jasmin plants in pots a bit larger than they were in, so down the stairs to the cellar again and up again. I only had time to replant two before my day was over, but at least the next person (or me tomorrow) had the pots already. 
My head wasn't with me at times and I had difficulties making sense if I didn't really focus on what to say, as I had to with the customer. Fortunately my co-workers are understanding people.
When my day was finished I bought some plants to bring home, along with 6 marigold we were gifted from work. This weekend I'll replant my rosemary, fennel, marigolds and Borago plants.
I slept for a couple of hours during the afternoon, and now I'm tired again, so early night to be able to go to work tomorrow too. 

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