
I woke up very early – too early really, but it was a nice morning so I just got up.  I did a couple of things while the boys were still asleep and then took myself to a comfy chair and read my book in peace.  I do like it when I have the house to myself in the mornings.  It doesn’t happen very often as TT is usually up and about early.  I then took myself out for a wee run – which turned into a seven mile run.  I took an unplanned detour at one point which took me along the river and I saw the swans with their cygnets.  The mother had two cygnets on her back and the other two were swimming beside her.  It would have made a great blip – but alas I had no camera.
Once home I cooked tea and then made lunch, fed BB, got myself changed and then dropped BB and his cello at St Mary’s parish church,.  He was playing there as part of the Haddstock Festival.  TT and I wandered down there about an hour later and spent a pleasant afternoon with some great young musicians.  It was basically a school concert, but much less formal.  It started late, so was immediately behind time, but within an hour or so was running well ahead of itself, so we had a random break, while they caught up with themselves.  I’m always so very impressed by the talented young musicians we have.  R was also playing , and we met up with her and BB after the show, along with her mum and dad. 
It  was then home for tea, which I had prepared this morning, so not much to do.  However  BB needed his quickly as he was going out to play football.  BB went out to play football with his chums, so TT and I sat in the garden and njoyed a  drink.  There was a chill in the air, which meant jumpers were required.  Later I went for a brief walk in the evening sunshine, to stretch off my running legs.
Here is Bb and a fellow cellist at the concert.  The extra is a couple of lovely poppies that appeared in an overgrown corner of the garden.

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