Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn

If being

 middle class was a destination we have arrived. Purple carrots looked interesting. I went to the posh organic shop due to lack of time.  My first official day went well. I am still getting a feeling for where the similarities and differences lie between Early Years in Scotland and Germany. My colleagues are really lovely and the children are a lot of fun. Learned a recipe for making aijvar, it needs a special spice mix called vegeta. 

During my class we talked about predudice and sterotypes. While I don't get verbal abuse on public transport I got plenty as a child. Growing up in a part of Scotland where many people had paler skin than I do was difficult. I was subjected to lots of abuse about having more olive coloured skin. I have a lot of empathy for people who are told they are different and who are told they don't belong. In Germany it is strange to feel that I just fit in without being asked where I am from. 

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