Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

At the zoo

The highlight of this day was when we got to the lynx enclosure. I didn't think they would be visible, since they are rather shy, but no... they were both out, curious about what happened and loving towards each other. Not usual lynx behavior, I think. Well, the loving part perhaps, but not the other. One of them were really curious about the sound my camera did, because it looked straight at me for a while, when my camera did a lot of clicking sounds. :) Beautiful animals! Gorgeous yellow eyes and so cute. :) I've never seen lynx other then on photo or tv, so this was really fun! The only down side is that the photos I came home with aren't super sharp... But, cute, so I'll settle with that. :)

It rained a bit, but that was ok. We walked around a lot and looked at all the animals and all of the old houses at Skansen. It's difficult to describe Skansen, but it's a rather large area in Stockholm with animals and old buildings and houses from all over the country. Old stores have been preserved and put up on small village streets. There's also a restaurant and an area with a large scene for musical shows. There's a part of this park that are for children, a petting zoo and play ground. Lot of resting places and small stores that sells candy and other tourist related things.

So tired now, and really happy that I have a day off tomorrow. Nothing planned, other then the usual: study, paper, walk, perhaps some sewing... and rest! :)

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