No bath tonight

Well I got some fantastic news earlier today. The company we have the jedi's bed on loan from called me this morning to say they have given us the funding for the cloud cuddle.  Absolutely amazing news. The company that its coming from called me and said it should be delivered by Friday.  Even better is that it will come in time for us going away on holiday.  So I won't have to sleep on a mattress on the floor with the Jedi as it can be taken anywhere and used on any single bed. 

My fil is doing ok.  He had a funny turn earlier,  he needs to rest and I have told him if he doesn't rest then he will have my size 9's up his butt. I'm bigger than him so I can be cheeky. 

We had a good morning at work. Took the students to the cafe. I then cycled in the heat and got the small wildlings.  Harp asked for the paddling pool so they were filled and they had a play before the bigger wildlings got back from school and joined them. 

Mr R is travelling back from Aberdeen so will be home late. 
There is no football tomorrow so we will cycle to nana and grandads in the morning and then later in the afternoon I am going with my neighbour friend round to my old neighbour friends new house for some drinks and pizza. Its to be roasting so we will be out in the garden.  I'm looking forward to it. Mr R will be left in charge of the wildlings for a while. 

Happy weekend blip friends.  X 

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