Reikes small life...

By Reike

Oh, what a great day!

If every day were like this... I would think I had died and gone to heaven without realizing it.

During the morning walk, Djeili was nearly a good girl. Well, my left shin is scratched as there were two Dalmatians waiting to be fought. 

Hack with Willow and a fellow rider, and Willow was so keen to show how great he is! My lovely baby boy :) 

Then up for the rescue of a few birds. Some baby redstarts who had tried to learn flying somehow ended up in our chimney... I opened the chimney and shortly later we had three redstarts, two of them babies, flying around the house. After opening the windows to let them out, we had four – dad came to the rescue, too ;) Despite being terrible at speaking Bird (other than Cockateel, I am quite good at that), I managed to coax them out. 

Then off for spending some quality mother-daughter time with Djeili at one of her favourite beaches by the river where she dug all her sorrows away. Then brushed her for ages, and there is still loose hair coming out.

The evening hack with Boy that was utterly fantastic! Boy was convinced today that he is a race horse, and a very good one, too! It was windy and we were galloping into the wind on a grassy path in the vineyard, and later a log wanted to be conquered with a mighty jump! 

Ended the day with a full moon walk with Djeili and another one of these never-ending sunsets. 

Oh, the happiness of today!

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