
By Brotographer

Bowling with Swag

Very rainy day, first one in a while, so I took the opportunity to rearrange my room, clean up all my notes and do a bunch of other standard post-exams life stuff. Truth is it felt good to do nothing really productive today. I start my internship next Monday, so its back to being serious then. But really, I'm not gonna have much time to be lazy this summer. Internship lasts until August, then chances are I'll be doing a bit of sailing teaching and then its Uganda doing engineering work. Hmmm. Hopefully term 1 next year will be as chilled and awesome as this year's term 1 was.

In the evening, I hit Ten Pin with Shane, Richard, Andy, Charlie and Josh for some bowling. Ali and Kris soon joined, finally reuniting the Fort crew. At least we had a couple days apart before being inevitably joined back together. Shane, Kris, Ali and me spent so much time together in the last three weeks we were practically living together (yeah, University House became my home...).

Anyways, after thrashing most people during the first game, I proceeded to become worse and worse at bowling, as usual. After a couple drinks, we piled up in Shane's car (literally) and half of us headed to Kelsey's. A couple pints until the place closed, and then back to mine where Kris crashed on the couch after we stayed up until 4:30am talking with Lia.

A week ago, I would have been waking up in less than two hours. Hah.


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