We’re going to the zoo,zoo,zoo!

We took the children to the zoo at La Palmyre today. I’m not overly keen on zoos, but have never been to one quite like this before. 
All the animals are really close, and are doing interesting things. The mummy lion was giving the daddy lion a piggy back for a (very short) time and he growled and roared!
Then two rhinos had an argument with one getting quite aggressive, there was a tortoise who was over 130 years old, and then in the background there were more piggy backs happening. The daddy tortoise was making loud grunting noises and the children were fascinated!
We also saw flamingoes with eggs in their nests, and one baby just hatched, lots of free-range peacocks, cheetahs and leopards with quite low fences, elephants eating their lunch, a sea lion show where the animals ate a fish and then made a loud burping noise, and more types of monkey than we ever knew existed!
Then home for a swim as it was over 30 degrees in the shade here today.

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