
By ProtoGraf

Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?

Welcome to Romeo, our imaginatively named new companion to Juliet.

We have had Juliet for nearly 2 years now. She has survived in spite of many traumas. The most dramatic was around a year ago. I was puzzled to hear a tap, tap, tap noise from the lounge, followed by a.....CRASH....whoosh... splosh! I ran in to see:
- a truly shocked H (holding a key),
- a cascade of water flowing out of a smashed fishbowl, and
- an even more shocked Juliet (who had managed to dive for cover and was now splashing in a small puddle at the bottom of the now disintegrated bowl).

Luckily we live across the road from a pet shop. Unluckily it was closed. Luckily the staff were still inside and unlocked the door in answer to our cries of "Fish Emergency". £50 later, I was poorer, H was wiser, and Juliet was happier in a new, hopefully more child-proof, bowl!

Good luck Romeo!

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