
By TapioL


We had a photo club evening. It covered different topics from how to process raw files to taking portraits and using the fill flash. The blip is one of the shots where I am trying to take a portrait with flash. All my time and concentration went to the camera settings and not to the guidance of the model, Ville in this case. But it is a start anyway. I'm not so used to "shoot" people yet.

Here are the cropped original and the processed one side by side. In LR the procedure was:

Traffic sign removed
Highlights and blacks adjusted
More contrast added with the tone curve
Some sharpening and masking
And even a minor split toning (cold tones on the shadows and yellowish to highlights).

The two images were combine with a command line tool called Imagemagick (convert +append *.jpg out.jpg).

In other words everything I heard yesterday about LR is more or less tested with this one pick, of course ;)

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