Let the sunshine in

At long last a warm sunny day. This is the shadows cast by Mrs C’s sweet peas outside the garden room window.

Morning was spent clearing up after the visit of our son and granddaughter. It was very silent and peaceful when they left but we do miss them all the same.

Afternoon involved a dash to get some images from at exhibition at Compton Verney. These are dolls dressed as the Bloodstone Border Morris. Based in the Isle of Wight and established in 2009. The dance team take their name from Bloodstone Copse said to be the scene of a battle between the Saxons and Danes where much blood was spilt. No guesses as to where this research may lead.

Having got the photos I needed it was then off to Batsford Arboretum and Garden Centre to get some new bird feeders that would be Starling and Crow proof. Watch this space to see if the purchase works. 

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