Lazy Saturday

Took the hound for an early morning walk as the forecast was for a warm day. 

Put washing out to dry.  And spent time in the garden in sunshine reading.  

Luckily it was blissfully quiet - no mowers, strimmers or hedge cutters.  I could hear a woodpecker and many long-tailed tits chattering.  

Late afternoon took the hound for his second walk.  It was still warm but stuck to shade as much as we could.

The blip is what I believe is called a mock orange.  I had one in our front garden but found the scent so offensive I removed the plant.  

I did hear on Radio 4's gardening programme that it is one of the scents people either love or hate.  Real orange blossom is fresh and sweet and absolutely divine by comparison.  I find mock orange reminds me of something rotting.  Apparently the smell of coriander induces a similar antipathy.  I can tolerate coriander but much prefer the aroma of flat leafed parsley instead.

Temperature dropping fast this evening.  Better for sleeping though.

Pleasant evening everyone.

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