Morning Light

My eye was caught by this in our front room as I went in to grab my laptop, this Sunday, to work on the top terrace as Dd did some major plant repotting.

Two proposals completed and sent off with bolder fee proposals than I would normally make. I have been coached to more properly value what I provide.

A ground-breaking academic research paper is about to be published that potentially can shift the paradigm on what executive coaching can be, integrating great coaching practice with the personality framework I use/have helped develop.

I am the anonymous coach focused on, along with nine of my coachees from all round the world in major leadership roles in their respective organisations who were the research subjects.

It makes amazing reading, testing all I do using the body of knowledge about how people tick developed by Human Content, along with their tools, with the utmost scientific/academic rigour. I think it has shifted something inside me that says that I must properly assess the value of what I do. Hard for a non-natural sales person but suddenly made easier!

Now we have our tonics in hand (mine has a little of gin in it, which is not allowed to Dd at the moment) on the top terrace deck chairs.

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