gravy days

By gravyc

Hartlepool Monkey

An early morning run to Seaton Carew and back, and then a short walk around Hartlepool Marina.
The Monkey is commemorated around Hartlepool; a couple of statues: this one at the Marina and another at the Headland. He also makes an appearance on various sports teams badges.

During the Napoleonic War, a French warship was wrecked off Hartlepool and the only survivor onboard was a monkey. The monkey (who was apparently dressed in French naval uniform) was accused and tried for being a French spy. His defence was obviously not convincing enough because he was found guilty and executed by hanging on the beach.

The extra, is part of the top deck of the HMS Trincomalee. The little man and I visited while the lovely BivBov stayed in the apartment to be on the end of the phone.

This ship is the oldest floating warship in the UK and is part of the National Museum of the Royal Navy in Hartlepool. It's only about 300 metres from our apartment.
I knew it about 50 years ago when it was moored in the middle of Portsmouth Harbour over 300 miles away. Back then, it was under the temporary name of the Foudroyant and was a training ship. I spent a week aboard as a school trip when I was 11 years old. The ship has been restored beautifully since then when it was in rather poor repair. I remember one night all us kids were woken up from our hammocks at 3am for a fire drill. We then had to climb down the outside of the ship in our pyjamas (and bare feet) using a commando net, hopefully to land on a floating pontoon below. The inky black sea was waiting to claim anyone who fell off. I'm not sure this would be allowed nowadays!
Although the ship has changed somewhat since then, there are many reminders of my time spent on it: the hammocks hanging in the lower decks and the mess tables, suspended on ropes. The most striking thing is the smell of tar and wood. I visited a few years ago too and the effect was the same. As soon as I breathed in the air I was transported back in time 50 years.

It's been quite a week for memories.

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