
By SpotsOfTime

Bin shoppin’

I mooched over to Acorn Bank and enjoyed the deep shade of the woods by the river. There was still some wild garlic to be had. It was quite busy but  pleasantly so with families having a good time. I pointed out the newts (extra) to a little girl and we had a discussion about whether or not they paint their nails. She showed me hers that were virtually the same colour and I asked her if she was really a newt in disguise. That seemed to frighten her off! 
By late afternoon it had cooled a bit so I cycled to the farm for eggs and the wildflower man for some wildflowers. I was prepared for elderflowers but it was a bit early and the hogweed flower buds were infested with insects so I passed. On the way back I caused much hilarity amongst the travellers camped up outside the village.

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