
By Eldora19

Last day of half term

Last day of half term - we’ve had a great week, a mix of relaxing home days and activities out and about. We were up bright and early for a swimming lesson, the pool is at a school which is a 2 minute cycle from our house - perfect. There were just 3 children who were all beginners like S, she started off really well but she must just feel the cold more than others because she was very shivery. I ended up getting in the pool with her and we battled through the rest of the lesson. We will persist! In the afternoon I made an impromptu decision for us to go to the climbing centre in the city for a lesson for S. I’m so so glad we went, she really enjoyed it and wants to go back again soon. After the lessons we met S outside the cathedral as he had finished work early and had a walk about the Quays.

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