The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

The iPad Generation

I like random days like today.

My brother rung to say he was popping down mum and dads with the kids at lunchtime. We were working, so we said we pop down late afternoon for a cuppa with the rest of the family. We duly did so about four o clock. I had no idea they were having dinner with mum and dad, and for once hadn't asked for an invite! We ended up having a full family meal. My mum had cooked a gammon joint .. I could quite easily eat a whole gammon joint on its own .. ;o)

It never ceases to amaze me how Megan and Maisie have picked up using the iPad so easily. Maisie knows where all her apps are and she's only two. My sis in laws little one is the same. It sounds really odd to hear one of the limited words Maisie can say is iPad! Somewhere Steve Jobs is smiling I suspect!

Unplanned family days are always the best ...

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