A Day In The Life

By Irish59


We took advantage of a celebratory four hour reprieve from the rain doing a couple of quick errands after my chiropractor appointment. On our way home we visited the river in a couple of places to see if anything exciting was happening. The answer is No • One stop was in Hallowell where some of you may remember those colorful Adirondack chairs that line the boardwalk. Like their chairs Hallowell is a colorful diverse community, welcoming all people to their borders. In honor of Pride month I wanted to blip this small mural that’s visible to those entering the main street from the north. The residents, business owners and residents all live up to this creed, and not just during June’s Pride month; they expect their visitors to be as open and respectful too • It’s lightly raining again, with heavier rain moving in for tomorrow. Rain is forecasted for the next ten days (insert my shocked face). The perennials are doing great, so far, but we’re very concerned about our young veggie seedlings, and potatoes. Will we need to replant?

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