MonoMonday: The Sun

Carolina is hosting MM this month, and this week she's set the theme as "Lighting of any kind (light bulb, chandelier, Sun.)". By chance just yesterday I came across my 20-stop Neutral Density filter which I thought I'd mislaid, so it seemed an ideal opportunity to take Carolina at her word and photograph the sun, which fortunately was shining this afternoon. (I bought the filter 6 years ago for photographing the eclipse.)

Here's the result. I'm sure the spots on it are genuine sunspots, not just dust on the camera sensor. Why? This photo is cropped by about 3/4 of the total frame and I took 3 shots with the sun in different parts of the frame and yet the spots are in the same place on each image of the sun. It's interesting that there are more spots on this photo than on one which I took as a trial a couple of weeks before the eclipse back in 2017. We do of course know that sunspots change from time to time so I guess this is to be expected.

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