
By Farmerboab

No smoke without fire....

Went to feed cows this morning and discovered that someone had set fire to a wood during the night. When the estate replanted it last year,this was 2 big piles of brash. Not any more. A neighbour spotted the fire brigade at it at 1am . Luckily the fence didn't get burnt or the cattle would have been away by this morning.
Headed off to Romanno Bridge to haul home the two loads of heifers I bought last week. First hold up was a wood lorry blocking the road as it tried to get up the track to the hill to collect timber for the estate.
Next was a burst water main above the village causing a flood right down the road. Then got stuck behind another Landover and trailer which was a neighbour I presume heading for Lanark mart.
Then on the way back with the first load ,met a lorry on a corner and had to take to the verge to miss his mirrors.
Got there eventually though. My terrier co pilot seemed to enjoy his day out as well !

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