Foxglove aflutter
We've got some stunning looking foxgloves in bloom at the allotment, which the bees appear to be enjoying. I'm not sure if they're affected by the of the plant but they do seem to be all of a flutter. Talking of matters medicinal, I attended the local community hospital earlier today for a chest x-ray. The x-ray itself was very efficient. I was the only patient and the radiographer doubled up as the receptionist before going on to take the image. The car parking system was a different matter altogether. It was meant to work on a number plate recognition basis except it didn't recognise my number. I tried the two public machines to no avail, it didn't work on the enquiries desk machine either, nor in the estates/parking office to which I was directed in the basement corridor. The upshot was that i saved £1.40 on parking - I hope the x-ray has an equally positive outcome.
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