Being WildCardinal...

By WildCardinal

Getting wet

After about 10 years of doing lots of diving, for various reasons I put it on hold about 18 months ago. This evening I jumped into the water again for the first time since October 2011 (before I started Blip). It felt slightly strange in many ways. I was slightly apprehensive before going - would I have forgotten the skills, not enjoy it any-more, and a thousand other thoughts running around in my head.

As soon as I jumped in, all that evaporated. Floating in the water weightless seemed so natural, and the skills came flooding back. It was odd to be the student, rather the instructor too. I had to stop marking the diver-master's briefings and skills on the 1-5 scale in my head - I just do it without thinking after having done so many skill assessments in the past as an instructor... I think the dive-master was a little nervous doing a review for someone with so much more experience (and he kept on deferring to me, which I found quite amusing!).

Unfortunately I wasn't the only thing getting wet. I took my camera along in its housing (compact - not the SLR!) to check it still worked OK. Having not been used for a long time the housing decided to flood and the camera got rather damp. Oops! I managed to get this before I noticed all the water getting in. Fresh water so the camera should be OK.

So... Do I order a new compact camera and housing for delivery on Friday to take on holiday. The heart says YES, but the head says 'think of the bank balance'. I love taking photos underwater, but I think I'll have to leave that decision to the morning. It's only money, and I probably won't be going back to Grand Cayman again in the near future...

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