
Just crawled in from a big day in Cork city. Himself had an eye test and I decided to go with him for the ri rá agus ruaille buallie (that's for SeriousFrolic). We lunched at the Crawford Gallery and were a bit underwhelmed by their show Bodyworks - not enough bodies really.  We then separated - we do not shop together - and I went off for some essentials. Shopping palled pretty quickly it has to be said    I bought Esme some sticker books and two vest with reinforcements for me, I shall not bore you with my annual moan about bras instead I went to look for a holy well you've heard that one before -This once important well is now in a tragic state and is full of rubbish in a now dodgy area. Hard to know what to do for it has been renovated many times but just gets vandalised again. Depressing. 
I cheered myself up by looking for murals. How wonderful this one is found down one of the many steep lanes in the city. And how badly we should heed that message. I also liked the funky country woman I'm sure I should know who she is and admired the famous kingfisher. After a lot of walking I had a huge pistachio ice cream and sat down in the peace park (there's a theme going on). A man was feeding pigeons and there were hordes of them. Behind him was an odd mural of rather badly painted bananas but when I went to sit in the shade for a bit I noticed it was just the lower bit of a truly staggering mural. I think I like him even more than the sunflowers but they seem right.
We stopped off in Bantry for some chips and ate them overlooking the runway at Bantry international airport - I exaggerate slightly. There is an airstrip and once we saw a small plane land - rather astonishingly, a man complete with paddle things and mickey mouse headphones arrived out of nowhere and started doing the business.  It was highly dramatic. There is a mark on the runway and if you overshoot it you have to turn round swiftly and try again else you land in the sea or the town. The pilot took three goes and was rewarded with a standing ovation by the curious onlookers, including us! Here's the view. There's a lot of sea. 
A bath beckons. I'll catch up tomorrow.

Masters of War still going on

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