By lizzie_birkett

First Attempts!

I need to practice but I quite enjoyed doing this although it was quite messy! Luckily the ink is water based.
I’ll have another go next week.
I had another of those sleepy days today and fell asleep after lunch and then again when we were watching a film.
I did get some stuff done in the garden, I only spent about an hour out there but it was good to get a few things tidied and planted. Everywhere is really dry and some plants are struggling. I’ve put a washing up bowl in the sink so we can use waste water for the plants.
An early start tomorrow as we are going to St Helens in Merseyside to give a man with a van the key to Melanie’s storage unit so he can deliver all her stuff up to her new flat. Then we will go to Southport to visit Sue (sister) and go out for lunch with her and my nephew Phil. We haven’t seen them for ages.

Hope you’ve all had a good day.

Book and bedtime now so goodnight. 
:-) X

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