
We got up early and started our final prep for being away from home. My sister gave me some clumps of Shasta daisies so planting them was my first task. Hubby had to dig at first, I simply am not strong enough. Oh my, our land is so dry. Sure hope we get rain soon. We have an air quality alert today. The airborne particles from the Canadian wild fires have reached our area. Wonder if my headache is related to that. Been with me since I went outside this morning. Hubby bought a new network system and spent much of the morning configuring it. What a difference it made in our connectivity and speed. Wish I had nagged him sooner and stronger. It’s amazing how many interconnections we have. Hubby had to update the ring, our thermostats, Alexa, our phones, Kindles, printers, laptops and who know what else. I ironed, did three loads of laundry and decluttered. Didn’t take long to get my 10,000 steps. Mackenzie will be here soon to get some OJT on her kitty/flower gardens responsibilities. I have been watching the first butterfly bush blooms all day because there are a few butterflies in our area. This skipper (I think) was the only taker that I saw on the blooms. Since it was plain, I decided to include a couple hollyhocks as well. Their colors are actually quite different. My sister dug them up from our mother’s old fashioned flower garden. Hope you had a pleasant day. I’ll be hitting the shower and then the recliner very shortly. Thanks for the visit. Glad you enjoyed the cacti as much as I did. Stay safe. “As for marigolds, poppies, hollyhocks, and valorous sunflowers, we shall never have a garden without them, both for their own sake, and for the sake of old-fashioned folks, who used to love them.” - Henry Ward Beecher

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